Privacy Policy

Your privacy and confidentiality is our priority, so we will take all the necessary measures to protect your personal information that you provide while using our service. The privacy policy informs you about our service delivery, how the information may be collected and used, your choices about such usage of information and disclosures.

Please read our privacy policies carefully when buying and using our services. By using our website or transacting business with us you are accepting our privacy policies.

The personal information we collect from you will only be used to fill your order and we will not sell or redistribute your private data to anyone.

We reserve the right to make changes in the Privacy Policy at any time and your continued use of this site indicates your acceptance of the amended Privacy Policy. You can click on the “Privacy Policy” link on our site from time to time to update yourself with any modifications. We will revise the last updated date for your convenience.

We are committed to delivering our services to customers in accordance with these principles to avoid a breach of security and confidentiality of your personal information.
How we use the information we collect:

1. Identify the purpose of collecting information before or at the time of asking your name, email id or bank details or any other personal information.

2. We will collect your personal details in an ethical and lawful manner and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.

3. Your personal information should be relevant, correct, complete and updated to fulfil the purposes for which it is to be used.

4. We collect, store and use your personal information only to fulfil the purposes specified by us, to defend ourselves against any legal claims, respond to a court order, cooperate with law enforcement or other government agency (if they requested).

5. We will store your personal information until we fulfil the purposes specified by us.

6. We will protect and maintain the confidentiality of your personal information using practices that prevent data theft, copying, and unauthorised access/usage/modification.

7. You can check out policies and practices related to the management of your personal information on our website.

8. We collect your financial information (such as payment method, payment card type, last four digits of your card, expiration date) to process payment for any purchases made on our website, enrol you in affiliate and other programs.

9. We use a secured payment gateway (payment is processed using SSL encryption), with no sensitive financial information being input through our website.

10. We do not collect or retain your full payment card details and all transactions are processed by our third-party payment processor.
Use of Information

We use the information to:

a) Provide services that you requested

b) Analyse, enhance and personalise our services

c) Improve user experience

d) Offer customer support

e) Manage your account, process registration/orders/payments

f) Meet marketing and advertising goals

g) To detect, prevent and investigate fraudulent and prohibited activities

h) Communicate with you about products or services that may be of interest to you either from us or other third parties.
Disclosure of Information

We reserve the right to disclose your personal information to third parties (“service providers”) who perform certain services on our behalf or assist us in providing services to you.

The role of the service providers includes customer support, order filling, marketing, analysing Spotify profiles, data analysis to optimise our services, marketing, advertising, member screening, supporting our website functionality, processing credit card transactions, supporting contests and other features offered through our website.

In order to perform such activities, these service providers may have access to your personal information. We do not permit them to use, disclose or share your personal information for any other purposes.

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Privacy Policy
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